The communication scope for corporate information professionals and embedded librarians revolves around collaboration and project deliverables. Communication with team members in different states, and sometimes different countries is becoming a reality for knowledge workers in the 21st century. Common workforce collaboration tools include massive document management systems, email, workplace communication chat tools, and increasingly video conference systems. These tools allow workers in separate locations to share ideas and collaborate on the projects resulting in better client deliverables and better staffing for projects.

While technology cannot replicate the same cultural experience as being in the office next door colleagues can still have a fruitful working relationships from states apart. There are several tools like YammerPulse, and Chatter that aim to help bridge communication gaps between teams. Google has also released Google Hangouts as a feature of its Google Apps platform for businesses allowing for video-based collaboration across the organization. For information professionals these tools allow them to offer just-in-time research consolations, training, and data analysis for teams or projects with greater staffing flexibility.